BlogHow To Choose Your Next Employer?

March 17, 2021by EDCS_IN0

When hunting for a new job, where you work is just important, if not more, than the specific role you’re doing.

There are many factors to consider when changing roles that get overlooked by new employee which may result in it being a poor match and sending you back to square one; looking for a new role.

Here are some key things to consider when looking for a new employer.


When looking a new position, stability is by far one of the most attractive qualities a role can offer.

You need to be confident in where you work and have the peace of mind that your role is secure and your career.

Things to consider when applying for a new job is the company’s recent performance. Is it growing?  What’s its history? Does it have a steady rise in pay? Any Benefits?

These are all signs of a stable business and asking these questions during an interview can show imitative and interest in your employer.


Along with stability, you need to be comfortable in your role to really achieve your best.

Whilst ‘job security’ can feel like a bit of a cliché, it’s extremely important when looking for a new employer.

Nobody is looking to join a hostile work environment where everyone is unsure if they will have their job tomorrow.

Feel free to ask how long people have worked at the company when you are engaging in small talk at an interview or, do you research on the company before you even apply.


You rely on your company just like it relies on you. So, looking for an employer that can make promises but also sticks to them is important.

Finding a new place of work that has a track record with its achievements can be a clear indication it’s a good fit for you.

From awards, recent news updates to the benefits your entitled to as a staff member, these show that they set goals, achieve them and look after your whist doing it.

A company that recognises it relies on the performance of their team and celebrates that, will always feel like a good home to start your next chapter.


Potential for growth and expansion for your career is crucial in a new employer. You need somewhere that can match your ambition and challenge you in fresh and exciting ways.

Whether its career progression to Chairman, room to shift gears or just feeling that your work is important, having freedom to pressure new opportunities can be life changing when looking for a new role.

A company that prides itself on examples of staff that have progressed their careers with them are a key indication that they are keen on investing in your professionally and personally.

Work-Life Balance

It’s easy to be constantly attached to your job with technology providing a direct link form your desk, to your pocket.

But any new employer should be crystal clear on what is expected when you apply. From hours per week that you will be working, to any other duties that would be expected of you.

Keeping your work life balance is key and measuring your expectations with the ones of a new employer is a clear way to ensure your new position is a good fit for you.

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